One of our learning methodologies, illustrated below, presents information in a natural flow that is compatible with all learning styles. But beyond that, it is structured to be compatible with the way the brain learns new information, classifies it as important for long-term retention, and embeds skills that facilitate actual behavior change.
1 – Read
Written language is concise, so we present a written text with highlighted Key Elements. The learner is encouraged to wrap their own personalized language around the Key Elements.
2 – Observe
Visual learners observe, and auditory learners listen to, a video role model. Key Elements alongside the video force the brain to engage by recognizing the Key Elements within the spoken language.
3 – Practice
Everybody learns by doing! Learners verbally respond to the video challenger to engage the speech centers of the brain and build memories.
4 – Review
Thinking about your response, and assessing how you did, makes your brain work, builds memories and improves learning. No need to keep score yet. Practice until you are ready to try it with another person.
5 – Assess
Being scored by a manager or peer builds memories and confidence. The system enables scorers to objectively rate your performance even if they don’t know the subject. This “test” is actually part of the learning process that transforms the demonstrated new skills into permanent behavior change.
6 – Perform!
Structured practice allows you to perform like a pro your very first time, because you’ve done it before! We call this “Accelerated Compressed Experience.”
By already knowing what you need to say, your mind can think beyond those words and explore opportunities to exploit potential advantages, sense underlying customer needs, and explore ways to resolve problems and provide solutions. builds verbal proficiency and fluidity that is essential to business success through efficient, effective, and enjoyable structured practice.
Some organizations rely on role-playing to train their people. It’s awkward, uncomfortable, and pretty much universally despised.
And it’s not effective. In these awkward moments, participants are just looking to find the shortest path to ending the exercise. The brain only remembers the discomfort. Classic role-playing does not provide a meaningful experience.
Structured practice builds a comfortable, non-threatening environment where the brain can concentrate on the lesson. Memories are built this way, as the language evolves becoming more complete and accurate with each successive performance. The evolution of success based on trial and error builds long-lasting memories.