When companies implement Performance Drilling in their training programs they notice results right away. Rather than saturate employees with tons of information to memorize, Performance Drilling simulates real-life scenarios through its practice culture, and as a result, employees develop mental muscle memory around key situations that will arise on the job, from managing customer complaints to closing sales with interested buyers. The process has been tested and proven by customers around the world and they are thrilled with the results.
A recent test examined two groups: a control group and a Performance Drilling pilot group. The control group received no training via Performance Drilling. The pilot group was trained through Performance Drilling tactics for on-the-job situations. Shortly after, both groups participated in door-to-door telecom sales within a competitive market, and here’s what we found.
Prior to the pilot, both groups performed rather equally with the control group making $49.52 per day on average, and the pilot group doing only slightly better at $52.55. But after the pilot period when ProPractice.com training was provided, the average pay per day jumped for the pilot group to an average $71.28 per day on the job, while the control group that did not receive the benefit of the ProPractice.com training cooled off to $35.10 per day.
In measuring the average number of days before the first sale, the pilot group outperformed the control group, too. While the control group averaged over six days to receive the first sale, the pilot group made the first sale in less than four days. When the numbers were averaged out, employees using Performance Drilling were 53% faster than the control group in making their first sale.
Performance Drilling reinforces the necessary skills to respond in business scenarios. Rather than learning on the job, Performance Drilling creates realistic situations without the pressure or potential risk. In a stress-free environment, employees develop the confidence and language needed to perform well on the job, and once they do encounter real clients and potential sales, they are equipped to excel.
Your company can see the impressive results organizations around the world are experiencing by using Performance Drilling in their eLearning platform. Educating employees on how to do their jobs well does not need to be boring. Performance Drilling engages and encourages learning by delivering relevant training that will actually improve an employee’s work performance. And with ProPractice.com’s user-friendly authoring tools, creating this customized experience that really enhances work performance has never been more easily available, affordable and doable for companies of all sizes.